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Do show any feed back from former clients??
4/27/2010 2:26 PM (PST)
I'm in the possess of doing business with R & R Financial Services, but i'm a little conserned, On the BBB website it stated that this company has disconnected phone numbers, and returned mail. It also states that the company appears to be out of business.I've been down to the office and its just an empty office(no desks, computer, or employees.) The owner Rejino Martinez said they are in the prossess of moving into a bigger office. I went 2 weeks later and the office still looked the same. Mr. Martinez did not have business card available. Do u have any feed back from former clients?? I want to make sure this company is not a fraud.
4/27/2010 2:36 PM (PST)
We have only known about this company for under a year and little information on them, hence the vague report. We have made efforts to gain information but received only disconnected phone numbers and return mail.
Did you pay any monies upfront?
Effective October, 2009 in California, it is illegal to collect any fees, regardless of the form, for negotiating or attempting to negotiate a loan modification for a residential mortgage. All modification services must be fully completed before any money can be collected. It is also illegal to divide fees or services into components for the purpose of avoiding this law.
If you seeking this type of service, you can try calling a HUD-approved nonprofit housing counselor? You can speak with a certified counselor by calling 888-995-4673. They can evaluate your housing options, open lines of communication with mortgage lenders, negotiate a loan modification, and help you with household budgeting, all at no cost.
The California Attorney General's press release on "forensic loan audits" is posted here on TrustLink under New Scams.
For more info on loan modification, check out the LABBB's Facebook page at:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856
Specifically, check out the "Notes" on various loan mod topics and info that can apply to homeowners anywhere.
Also, check out the "loan modification" tagged questions here on this forum.
Link to Foreclosure Frauds and Fixes:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856#!/note.php?note_id=203244587194
Link to “BBB of the Southland: California Attorney General Warns Homeowners to Avoid Forensic Loan Audits”
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856" Target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/pages/BBB-of-the-Southland/117568537756?v=app_2347471856#!/notes/bbb-of-the-southland/california-attorney-general-warns-homeowners-to-avoid-forensic-loan-audits/349630582194
also: www.preventloanscams.org
4/27/2010 2:53 PM (PST)
I have NOT paid any money, I had read about that law that passed on the BBB website, and that's why i refuse to exchange any money. The Owner calls me on a daily bases and asks for the money, i've told him until the proccess is complete i will not pay a dime. I will try those links you have given me. Can you give me the number to speak to a BBB employee?
4/27/2010 3:46 PM (PST)
Run, don't walk away from these people. You will lose your hard earned money and probably lose your house as well. Call a HUD certified counselor at 888-995-4673.
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