Drug And Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers
near Newburgh, NY 12550

Records per Page:
Top 50 company records
Click on column headers to sort up/down.
Business NameCityBusiness TypeStatusRatingDistanceRow
Spencer Recovery Center Laguna Beach Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers .
4.1 star rating
Bella La Vita Company Malibu Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers .
5.0 star rating
449 Recovery, Inc. San Clemente Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers . 24332
Bright Life Health Detox Newburgh Newburgh Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 03
Shelter Opioid Health Poughkeepsie Advisors Poughkeepsie Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 144
Kelly Institute Mahwah Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 305
Sephyr Opioid Detox Ramsey Ramsey Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 316
ChoicePoint Paramus Corporate Mailbox Paramus Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 387
ChoicePoint Englewood Corporate Mailbox Englewood Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 428
NJ Rehabs Hackensack Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 429
Start Fresh Recovery Norwalk Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 4210
Bluecrest Recovery Center Woodland Park Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 4411
Absolute Awakenings Treatment Center Denville Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 4812
Serenity at Summit Florham Park Florham Park Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5313
Polkadot chocolate mushroom | lucidworld.com New York Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5414
The Recovery Team- NJ Alcohol & Drug Rehab Jersey City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5415
New Horizon Rehab Center Network Newark Newark Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5416
Harmonize Detox Center NY New York Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5417
Sephyr Opioid Detox Queens New York Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5418
ChoicePoint Morristown Corporate Mailbox Morristown Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5419
Avenues New York New York Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5420
New Horizon Rehab Center Network Jersey City Jersey City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5421
Madison Park Psychological Services New York Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5422
Alpha Healing Center Jersey City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5423
Reclaim Health Detox Center New York Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers 5424
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