Suzanne J.'s review of Capital Collections, LLC

Capital Collections, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 11/15/2009
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Review 11/15/2009
I was contacted by this business a week ago. They asked for my aunt (who, before I was married, had the same first and last name as I - I go by my middle). Anyway, I explained that they were looking for her and even gave her number to them, as there has been (over the last 3 months) confusion about some things on my credit report that should have been on hers, etc. When I gave the number, he called me an obscene name and hung up on me. I called back and asked to speak to someone who was a shift manager and they transferred me back to the same rude man. I could barely understand him, and I asked if there was anyone on duty who didn't have such a thick accent so I could better explain the situation and not be harrassed and he again cursed at me! It was a few days before he called back (or maybe not him, as every person I get on the line has an extremely thick accent - not that it is a negative thing, it just seems to me it a group of people doing some sort of scam) I called back when he hung up on me yet again and told them to lose my phone number and never contact me again. I told them I would contact the police and tell them what was said on each call and press phone harrassment charges. Avoid this company...It has SCAM written all over it!
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Miami, FL 33102
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