Terry G.'s review of MerchantCircle


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/31/2013
. 1
. 0
MC ripped off my content - Proof
Merchant Circle stole content from a website/business I listed on Merchant Circle in good faith as a way to market my customers small businesses. I had improperly named two businesses and had other typos. MC's listings contain the precisely the same errors. After being Mayor for 6 month and offering coupons for 2 years, I got ZERO business from them. But they stole what was a 5 - 10k a year earning website and the reason I spent 120 total hours creating it. 1/3 of this time actually walking from business to business talking with each of the owners, shaking their hand, talking to them about increasing their sales, giving them free advice. And also promising them their information would be safe with me, as the website would be properly copyrighted with the symbol, as it was. Since this is in a rural area, this was a real concern for approx half of my clientelle. For instance, many also had the concern that if their business was already listed somewhere else then they might get in trouble. As I said, a rural area where there is a significant over 50 population as well. Presently, I am out the investment of time and money of a potentially ludcrative website that I spent 2 years building, but this has also damaged my reputation as a local webmaster and graphic designer. So at the end of the day, 70 - 80% of my livelihood, I've worked 3 years total building was stolen in 5 minutes of illegal and immoral copy and pasting by Merchant Circle Employees, Company, Share holders, Board of Directors and Owners. The thing that really bothers me is that they would have never even known about the website if I had not listed it on Merchant Circle. It was a small community website and was meant to stay that way. And my clients feel violated by these deliberate actions. So I would be lying if I did not feel totally taken advantage of, swooned in by an opportunity of marketing my business services, while having the goods stolen out from under me. Short of being able to afford a lawyer necessary to pursue just action, stay tuned, tune in, tune out, or participate. You know what to do. If possible I would choose zero, but alas 1 is the lowest allowed. These kind of life lessons I could really do without. Wow, how sad what greed has lead us to. Peace and love to all. May we awake and do better tomorrow.
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Hours   Please contact us at the following page: http://www.merchantcircle.com/corporate/contact.html Phone   (650) 352-1336 Address   800 W El Camino Real #330
Mountain View, CA 94040
Website   http://www.merchantcircle.com Email  
Contact   Payam Zamani Other  
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