N W.'s review of Modern Bathroom

Modern Bathroom

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My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/29/2016
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DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF GOING THERE! NOT EVEN IF YOU ARE DESPERATE! I am a GC and referred a lot of business to them in the past. Issues started occurring with each client and each time it did, they would not take responsibility. They would not take care of the client I sent, and they would come up with excuses as to why they can't. (I went to the expense of helping my client but kept sending them business because clients liked the looks of the vanities so I thought "it's just a vanity how bad can it be" I only told them to buy vanities there nothing else that can be more liability and I warned my clients ahead of time about their customer service) I would even call and try to talk to a manager and again, excuses. This last time was the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake. I sent a client who ordered a final sale showroom floor model. They would not deliver it due to liability (of course, they take ZERO liability on anything) so as a courtesy to my client said I would pick it up for them after trying to get them to deliver and them saying no. Ani, a very irresponsible salesperson there, told me it cannot be picked up in their North Hollywood location but at another location. I didn't even know they had another location so I asked her where and if she can email me the address. She did. I sent my guys there and after 1 hour and 45 minutes they said it's not there and it's at the North Hollywood location. I called Ani mad and she said, I never told you that. Are you kidding me? you sure did, here is your email.... oh ok there's an email... ooopsi... so Peter an even more irresponsible manager said Ani said she didn't tell you that??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME EVEN MORE??? than how did I get your address? and why does it say on the bottom of your invoice that it is to be picked up at the Aviation address? oh ya and the email Ani forgot she sent me... proof...no answers... To top it off, even when you go to purchase there they are not very nice to begin with. They also don't offer my clients a great discount like other places. They do 10% occasionally and they promised me 15% and I called them on it. So they lie on top of everything else too. this is just one incident with one client. There's another with a defective countertop they refused to exchange but finally did after I threatened small claims, but would not pay the expenses of installing it. I can go on and on with so many incidents... I don't write reviews, this is the second review I have EVER written in my life and the first time I have ever gone on yelp and this site, but that is because I felt this place has to be shut down because they sell sell sell but they don't back up their product, they treat their clients horribly, and even more so a GC that sends them A LOT of business... you would think would be treated better right? Not! This company is horrible! NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL! Buy an ugly vanity somewhere else before you buy your dream one here. I am done sending them clients, I am warning everyone about them. I am not one to mess with anyone's bread and butter, but when you don't back up your product and you're screwing customers over, you should not be doing business!
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Additional Business Information
Hours   24/7 online Showroom in North Hollywood: Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm Sat-Sun 10 am - 5 pm Phone   (818) 432-1101 Address   7040 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Website   http://www.modernbathroom.com Email   marty@modernbathroom.com
Contact   Martin Symes Other  
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