Don't use these contractors
Terrible contractor - I recently filed a complaint with the Contractor's State Licence Board against this contractor for a multitude of issues including contract illegible, contract not signed, price gauging and taken advantage of an unsuspecting customer that was home on disability. I spent over $15,000 for minor items handled in my house. The worst project was the balcony - for replacing 5 planks, Safeway charged me over $5,800. The subcontractor Floorian Trades alerted me to the price gauging. Upon the resolution of the dispute in front of the CSLB, I will be taking them to court. Please do not use these contractors - they totally took advantage of me as a single working mother who trusted them. Even though I am getting communication from them urging me not to file - I will not be intimidated!! Homeowners need to be protected from these types of contractors. Not trustworthy.